Monday, May 31, 2010

I Haz Acquired...

the wonderful smokey odor of rendered brisket fat. That is all.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Love You, Man!!!

Sparkee and I have finally forgiven each other for our, ah, transgressions. We just had great time chasing each other through the yard and play fighting. It had been over a week and both of us had a ton of energy built up, so it felt so good to play together again.

Any dogs can fight, but only real dog friends forgive each other.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Big Fight

As anyone who's seen a Jude Apatow movie knows, the big fight and subsequent falling out are a key part of the bromance genre. And sadly, Sparkee and I got into a huge fight earlier this week.

At this point I don't even remember what the fight was about, all I remember is that we beat the crap out of each other for about 10 minutes before our humans were finally able to break us up. Sparkee gave me a nice gash near my eye, and I think I gave Sparkee a nice gash on his side. And both our ears got pretty torn up.

It's been a few days now and I really miss my friend. :-( Hopefully there'll be a happy ending just like in the movies.